2020 Gift Guides: Toddlers
Time for the second installment in this year’s Holiday Gift Guides! I’m so glad y’all are liking these unique ideas. I really do try to find things that I haven’t seen alot of already. Although, there are a few popular items on here that I’ve already ordered for Emilia this year. I can’t resist!
As always, please know that these are affiliate links which means I make a *very* small commission I you purchase by clicking on of of the links and then ordering. I appreciate you shopping via me, as these guides take a very long time to source, create, and write.
On to the guide! This is obviously targeted towards fodder girls (ages 1-3), but really so many items on here work for a little boy too. And who said boys can’t have baby dolls? We got one for Deacon when I was pregnant with Emilia and he loved it!
Oh! And a note on pricing - the pricing listed below is what it was when I wrote the copy for this post. Now that Cyber Week is here, be sure to check for sales and promo codes because I’m sure most of this stuff will be on sale!
1.) Doll Highchair - I’ve been looking for the perfect doll highchair for Emmie for awhile now. I love this one because it has a tray so she can “feed” her baby even if it isn’t pulled up to a table. I love the sweet eyelit cut out on the back and the carved legs. It is so darling! Another top contender though is this rattan one that matches our bow chairs just perfectly! $56
2.) Duplo Bakery - This what Deacon picked out this year to give Emilia. She just started getting in to Duplos and this one is so cute. I love how it has the bus too so she can just play with that or construct the bakery scene. A great price and a gift they’ll use for years and years. This price point would make for a great birthday gift too! $32
3.) Doll House - There are SO many doll houses on the market, but no matter which one you get they’re sure to be a hit. I love this simple one that isn’t too monstrous. It can also have a name put on the front which you know I love any chance to monogram or personalize! These make great “Santa gifts” to put out by the tree Christmas morning - really gives that WOW moment when the kids first see it. And don’t forget to buy the furniture and people! $159 on sale right now (normally $200)
4.) Doll Bed - Are you sensing a them this year for our almost two year old? Dolls everything! I have had my eye on this rattan doll bed for months. It is by one of my favorite small children’s brands, Poppie. She and I have bonded over Instagram of our love of rattan and displeasure for primary color kid furniture and toys. We like it to blend in and fit with the rest of the decor! Anyways, this doll bed is so precious and I know she will love toting it around the house putting her babies to sleep. $95
5.) Keepsake Christmas Plate - Growing up we had several holiday keepsake items and I still remember the thrill of unwrapping them each season. These darling Christmas plates are a collaboration from my friend (and our interior designer) The Lovliest Home with the super talented Tricia Lowenfield. There are boy and girl versions and you can customize hair color and skin color, add their name, and provide any other details (I’m adding glasses on Deacon’s). And they also come as ornaments ($45). I love all of the sweet gingham bows and eyelit collar details on these! $145 The cutoff for arriving in time for Christmas may have passed, but you can always still order and wrap a picture of it which I do all to often.
6.) Doctor Kit - Hands down the most played with toy right now for my almost two year old is her doctor kit. She loves doctoring stuff animals, babies, and even us. I love that this one has a carrying case (hello self storage!) and is made of wood not plastic. Another one that makes a great birthday gift too! $45 (This $20 Target one is also cute!)
7.) Magna TIles Metropolis Set - If you follow me on Instagram stories, you already know my affinity for Magna Tiles. They are by far the most used toy in our home by every single aged child that walks in the door. Emmie is just now learning how to get them to stand up, but she love stacking the colored magnetisms and looking through the colors I particularly love this set because it comes with some more car and window pieces - the favorite type of pieces for my kids who are always building houses and cars. I know the price can seem steep for a set of magnetic tiles, but I truly think the name brand on these matters. The knock offs just aren’t the same. $96
8.) Baby Doll - Wow are there sooooo many types of baby dolls out there. While I was tempted this year by the darling American Girl catalog to get Emilia a biddy baby, I think we’re going to hold off for a year or two. She currently has several baby dolls, but this one is by far her favorite. This one is only 12 inches long so it’s the perfect size for a two year old to tote around. The inside body is soft so it can be cuddled without laying on too much hard plastic. If you have a little toddler girl, this would be my most recommended gift. $36
9.) Christmas Books - I love adding to our Christmas library each year. I could write a whole post on our favorite books (note to self) - I’[ll try and do that in the Like To Know It App soon. When I was looking up classic childrens Christmas books I encountered this one and a huge wave of nostalgia hit me. Does anyone else remember this book?! It was scented and I LOVED smelling the candy canes and cookies and tree. Emilia is getting this one for sure this year. $9
10.) Baby Doll Carriage - I am OBSESSED with this sweet whicker doll stroller. I love it’s size so it can hold multiple babies because you can’t leave the house with just one baby doll. The size is great - not too big where it’s a pain to tote from room to room and not too small that gets lost in the midst of all the other stuff in our playroom. And it’s so pretty! How darling to have in the corner of her bedroom for a little vignette. $138 Available November 27.
11.) Little People Nativity Set - We have several nativity sets that I decorate around the house. Some are just for looks and some are for playing. I love the idea of sharing the Christmas story while the kids play. And Little People are such a huge hit with both of the kids. This makes such a great baby’s first Christmas gift! $30
12.) Name Knit Sweater - I love a personalized sweater (duh), but usually the sweaters I find are just embroidered on top of the sweater. This one, however, has the name knit INTO it. So so cute. I sized up so she can wear it for a few years. You can create a unique color combo from their rainbow of yarn colors; plus they are so warm! $88
13.) Dress Up Chest - Dress up clothes for the new dress up corner in our playroom are high on Emilia’s list this year. I tried to find a set that had a lot of options and variety in costumes and accessories and I think I found just that. This one comes with five different costumes - two fairies, princess, ballerina, and bride plus accessories (think wands, crowns, jewelry) for an unbeatable price! $40
14.) Sensory Bin Table - We have a covered deck which is basically usable ten out of 12 months of the year. We love to do everything from kinetic sand to water beats to dry rice and pasta. The kids LOVE sensory bin play, however i’m not crazy about it getting all over the floor (it does even when they’re trying not too). Enter the sensory bin table, I’m so excited about this! It is so functional AND it is not some brightly colored piece of plastic (it’s made of real wood and stainless steel). It will blend right in with the natural tones of our deck. How fun would it be to have this set up outside full of kinetic sand and dump trucks on Christmas morning? I know my kids would freak! $175
15.) Veer Wagon - This wagon was on my list for years and now i’m worried we missed the mark (although Deacon still refuses to walk to the playground so maybe we’re good still). Here’s why this wagon was top of list for me - 1.) it collapses completely flat - so great for putting in the trunk, 2.) it has different seat configurations so you can fit multiple kids (even an baby carrier.), 3.) it has a cute little table with drink holders since the only way my kids stay in the wagon is with snacks and 4.) YOU CAN PUSH IT OR PULL IT. Sorry for yelling, but have you ever tried to drag 65+ pounds of kids behind you? It’s a dislocated shoulder waiting to happen! The fact that this can be pushed like a stroller or pulled like a wagon is so amazing to me. If you have a toddler or two or are thinking of adding more to your bunch - this will last you much longer than any double stroller. Yes the price is crazy high - maybe a goo done to go in on with several grandparents as well. $599
16.) Roller Coaster - Our roller coaster is such a huge hit. It’s a great activity for play dates and parties and entertains my kids for a very very long time. I love this one too for its cute unicorn “car”. A definite toddler must-have, especially since playgrounds are a little riskier these days with COVID. $129
17.) Play Kitchen - One of the best gifts my kids have ever received is their play kitchen. In our old house we had a great spot just off the kitchen for it so they could “cook” while I did. They still love it and play restaurant all the time. I love love this one linked because it looks like a real grown up kitchen! I love that it is two pieces so you have plenty of space to hold all the food and dishes that are also needed. Such a timeless gift that grows with your toddler for years and years. $134
I hope you found a new idea or two for your little ones! Thanks for supporting The Rose Record by using, shopping, and sharing my gift guides. It means the world to me. XO